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K. Scheduling and Completing Tripartite Reviews

The Reviews area of One File is one of the most important areas for all users with an active role in the portfolio, namely, the learner, the tutor and the employer. Reviews are regular meetings that all three individuals contribute to through a face-to-face or virtual meeting, and whilst the the occurrence pattern may vary by programme, this is an important task for tutors or assessors.

The Tutor, or assessor, can schedule, start and complete the Reviews for their learners, when the form has been completed and signed, it will automatically be sent to the learner, then the employer, to provide feedback and comments, and sign themselves. The form used for Reviews will vary by apprenticeship, and the examples you see below may or may not be similar to the one you are using on your programme, though they are likely to contain similar fields.

How do I schedule a Tripartite Review?

  1. To access the Reviews area, you should navigate to your learner’s portfolio from the Tutor Homepage, and select the Reviews button.
A screenshot of the Learner's portfolio information and options tab. This section shows three buttons in order thea re the Activity Plans, the Assessments and the Reviews.
  1. In the Reviews area, at the top of the page, you will see a Schedule Review tab. You will need to enter the following values in order to successfully schedule a review with the learner and employer, you should also ensure that the meeting is scheduled in any other relevant location, for example in your Outlook Calendar or if remote through Microsoft Teams.
  • Start and End Date.
  • Start and End Time.
  • Type of Meeting and Location (only applicable for Face-to-Face visits).
  • Tutor (if multiple tutors assigned).
A screenshot of the schedule review interface for One File tutors. Start and end fields for date and time are shown. And a check box to indicate if the meeting is face to face with a location, or remote and online. A blue schedule button is shown.
  1. You can then click Schedule to add the meeting to the table displayed below. Please note, if you decide to have your meeting earlier or later than first anticipated, you do not need to delete and reschedule the meeting in One File, you can simply start the Review as described in this guide below and the new date and time will be recorded.

How do I view a Previous Tripartite Review?

The Reviews area will contain a dates of all past and future tripartite Reviews that have been created by the tutor or assessor for the learner. Throughout the programme, you can revisit a Review at any point, for example to refresh your memory on actions that were agreed, or to compare how progress has changed. In addition to the information captured within the form, the Reviews area will also show Unit Progression and Overall Progress in the table of instances for a quick access overview.

To open a previous tripartite Review, locate the relevant instance in the Reviews tab and click ‘Open’, this will redirect you to the completed form.

You will not be able to make changes to the form unless you unlock it.

A screenshot of the Reviews area of One File. A table shows all previous reviews in date order, with fields for unit progress, overall progress and status.

How do I Start and Complete a New Tripartite Review?

After successfully scheduling a review, you will see the instance presented in the table on the Reviews tab. A start and delete button will be shown as well as a calendar icon. You can start the Review before or after the initial scheduled date and time as One File will simply update to reflect when it was actually conducted, the delete button will remove the instance and allow you to reschedule, and the calendar icon will provide you with an .ICS download to import the session into your calendar.

  1. When you are ready to begin your review, click the start button next to the relevant instance.
A screenshot of the Reviews area of One File. A table shows all previous reviews in date order, with fields for unit progress, overall progress and status. This image shows a Review that needs to be started, a start button is shown in the last column of the table.
  1. At the very top of the form, you will see a Review tab. This will contain a summary of the date and time information associated with this Review that is being conducted, you can amend the actual date to reflect today’s date by clicking the Set Today button. If enabled and in use by your centre, you can amend the Learner Status. The Learner Status may be in use, for example, to represent a Red, Amber and Green system of indicating learner progress and engagement, whenever you change the status with a Review form this will update across to the portfolio. The LSF field may be in use in your centre, this stands for Learner Support Funding and indicates if a Learner is receiving financial support to help with their costs of their learning.
The first section of a Review form is shown, the segment is titled Review, and contains the following data fields: actual date, scheduled review data, last review date and learner status. The learner status box is a drop-down to reveal alternative statuses.

The form used for Reviews will vary by apprenticeship, and the examples you see below may or may not be similar to the one you are using on your programme, though they are likely to contain similar fields. In addition to the custom fields that are created as per the requirements of the apprenticeship, most review forms will begin with a selection of the following six elements, depending on how the centre has been set up by Centre Managers, they include:

  • Off-The-Job Progression between reviews
  • Unit Progression between reviews
  • Achievements between reviews
  • Review for individual units
  • Review for all units
  • Attachments
A screenshot of a segment of the Reviews section in One File. This form section is titled Off-The-Job Progression between reviews. It shows the current value and change since last review for the following: total contracted hours, target percentage, target hours, actual hours, actual percentage.
  1. You will now need to complete the contents of the Review form as per your meeting with the learner and employer and the guidance of your apprenticeship programme. You should complete the form in its entirety during the meeting as once signed and saved, it will be sent to the learner, then the employer, for them to add comments and provide a signature on completion.

The following images will provide some examples of elements of review forms on existing programmes, you should not expect that your Review form looks identical to these examples, but should take as a suggestion on how a form is completed and what format it tends to take.

Example A – Progress Review Fields

In the example below you can see a section labelled Progress Review. A list of questions are presented about the learner’s personal circumstances and their working environment. Each question has a drop-down box to select either yes or no in response to the question, and a multi-line textbox would allow you to record all comments raised during the meeting.

A screenshot of an example Review form in One File. This example shows a segment titled Progress Review. The two text boxes shown are titled with the following questions: Have there been any changes in personal circumstances since their induction? and Have there been any changes in the work environment that have had or may have impact on the learning environment?.

Example B – Health and Safety

In the example below you can see a section labelled Health and Safety. Three questions are displayed with yes or no checkboxes that can be selected as per the response to the question, a comments box is provided to record any relevant information, please note that whilst it may be the learner or employer raising these concerns and comments, it is the tutor role who completes the form only. Learners and employers can add comments at the end of the form once it has been signed by the tutor.

A screenshot of an example Review form in One File. This example shows a segment titled Health and Safety. Three questions are shown with yes or no checkboxes, a comments text box is displayed below.

Example C – Action and Learning Plan

In the example below you can see a section labelled Action and Learning Plan. A green plus icon will allow you as the tutor to create a new data table. When clicked, the table is created to shown four columns, one for recording the details of the plan, whether it is on or off the job, the date and who is responsible. You need to click save on the row before proceeding, and the date table can have multiple rows by clicking the green plus icon once again.

A screenshot of an example Review form in One File. This example shows a segment titled Action and Learning plan. It contains a data table with five columns, in order they are: details of action and learning plan, on or off the job, date, responsibility of, and options.

As presented in the above examples, throughout One File you will find that forms typically contain the same interactive elements that you may be familiar with from other programs and websites, these usually include:

  • Single and multi-line text boxes.
  • Date/Calendar fields.
  • Lists of items with checkboxes.
  • Drop-down menus.
  • Data tables which contain pre-formatted column headers.
  • Attachment upload points.
  1. The penultimate task of the form is to provide any feedback and comments specifically to the learner, these may not have been recorded in the custom form fields that make up the tripartite review form, and this feedback can be turned into a One File task by checking the box ‘Create task to acknowledge this feedback’.
A screenshot of a text box titled Feedback and Comments. The subtitle shows 'Feedback to Learner' and a checkbox is displayed to create a task for the learner to acknowledge the feedback.
  1. Now that you have completed the form, you need to tick the signature checkbox next to your name in the Declarations table, and then click Save. This will send the form to the learner who will be able to add feedback and comments and sign themselves, which will then send the form to the employer to do the same.
A screenshot of the signature box in One File. Three users are listed, learner, tutor and employer. The tutor is highlighted in yellow, a checkbox is displayed to the right of their name, and a save button displayed in green is below this table.

Please note: this support resource is specific to the Tutor role within One File. The ‘Tutor’ is the qualified user role associated with the direct assessment of the portfolio, they review all evidence uploaded by the learner and provide feedback in relation to the knowledges, skills and behaviours of the apprenticeship framework. They also schedule and record all information for tripartite reviews and sign off each unit as they are completed by the learner. If you are unsure of the user role you have been given, you can verify this by logging into One File, and reviewing the role listed underneath your full name, displayed in the profile card in the top-right of the homepage interface.

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