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Accessing Turnitin Assignments for Marking (non-LTI Turnitin)

N.B. This guide refers to the non-LTI version of Turnitin. In July 2021 UoL moved to LTI Turnitin. Currently both the old and new versions are available but by July 2022 only Turnitin LTI will be available. From July 2021 onwards, staff must use the LTI version of Turnitin (link).

This helpsheet explains how you can access Turnitin Assignments for marking in Blackboard

Accessing Turnitin Assignments via the Tools Link

The first way in which you can access your Turnitin Assignments for marking, is via the Tool Link on your Blackboard module site.

  1. Navigate to your module site and locate the ‘Site Management’ section of the side navigation menu. If this is not visible, it is likely your ‘Edit Mode’ is not turned on, so please ensure this is the case.
Screenshot showing the Site Management in Blackboard module site.
Screenshot showing the Edit Mode toggle switch in Blackboard Module Site.
  1. Click ‘Site Tools’ to expand the menu and then locate one of the two Turnitin options.
Screenshot showing the Site Tools option in the Site Management area of Blackboard navigation.
Screenshot showing the Turnitin Assignments option in the Blackboard navigation menu.

Turnitin Assignments: For all Turnitin Assignments created in the standard way.

Turnitin Assignments by Group: If groups have been set up for large cohorts, use this option to show on the students in your specific group.

  1. You will see a list of the Turnitin Assignments on this module site.
Screenshot showing the Turnitin assessments available in Blackboard module site.

There are some important options on this page:

  • You can click the title of any assignment on the left to open the Turnitin inbox.
  • If you click ‘Sync Grades’ the grades you have entered on Turnitin will be synced with the Blackboard Grade Centre. This is a useful process if you find that your grades are showing on Turnitin but not in the Grade Centre.
  1. Click the relevant title link of the assignment you wish to access.
  1. The Turnitin inbox will open and from here you can access and mark the student’s submission as outlined in our other helpsheets.
Screenshot showing the Turnitin inbox in Blackboard.

Accessing Turnitin Assignments via the Grade Centre

The second way in which you can access your Turnitin Assignments for marking, is via the Blackboard Grade Centre on your module site:

  1. Navigate to your module site and locate the ‘Site Management’ section of the side navigation menu.
Screenshot showing the Site Management in Blackboard module site.
  1. Open the ‘Grade Centre’ menu and choose ‘Full Grade Centre’.
Screenshot showing the full grade centre menu item in the left hand navigation bar in Blackboard.
  1. From the Full Grade Centre, you will need to cross reference the student you wish to mark from the left-hand column, with the title of the assignments running across the top. Locate the relevant cell in the full grade centre.
Screenshot showing the full grade centre in Blackboard.
  1. If you hover over the relevant cell you have identified above, you will see a grey arrow appears.
Screenshot showing work to be marked in the full grade centre in Blackboard.
  1. Click the grey arrow and choose ‘Grade Attempt [Assessment Name]’.
Screenshot showing the menu which appears when you click on a cell in the full grade centre in Blackboard.
  1. On the next page that loads, under ‘User’s Work’, click one of the two icons to open either the student work on Turnitin or the Similarity report.
Screenshot showing the Users Submitted Work in Blackboard after clicking through from the Full Grade Centre.
  1. If you wish to upload a marksheet rather than marking on Turnitin, you can do so from this page.
  2. Locate the ‘Feedback to User’ section and enter your mark and upload your feedback document.
Screenshot showing the 'Feedback to User' section in Blackboard when adding feedback.

Note: The Instructor Notes section on this page can be used to uploading second marker notes or make other comments which will not be visible to the student.

Screenshot showing the Instructor Notes section when adding feedback in Blackboard.
  1. If you are marking in this way, ensure you press ‘Submit’ when you have completed your marking.
Screenshot showing the 'cancel' and 'submit' buttons when adding feedback in Blackboard.
  1. Repeat steps 1 – 9 for the rest of the students you need to mark.

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