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Managers and Administrators Help & Support

Centre Management Process Guidance

The following resource will support Administrators involved in apprenticeship programmes using One File as an eportfolio tool. It will help Administrators to understand the steps required from centre or programme creation, through to the end of cohort duration.

On this page you will find:

  • a summary of the four stages presented in the flowchart document.
  • links to download two documents: the One File Centre Management Process Flowchart and the One File Centre Management Context Document. The Context document will help you to understand each component step on the Flowchart.

Stage 1 – Initial Setup

The first stage of the centre management process is only applicable to new centres and programmes that do not currently exist in One File. This refers to a new apprenticeship area that does not a) currently exist within the system, b) for programmes that do have a centre but the learning aims (apprenticeship standards) have not yet been requested and imported into One File. Learning Aims have to be requested by a support ticket sent to One File, if you require new learning aims please contact either the Digital Education Team (, or log in to your One File centre, open the Learning Aims tab, and select ‘Request’.

Stage 2 – Centre Setup

The second stage of the centre management process concerns the creation of all components parts that are required for the setup of a learner’s portfolio. This process comprises of three streams of work to be completed:

  1. Pathways – You will need to setup the framework templates and cohorts. The Framework Template combines multiple learning aims such as the Apprenticeship Standard and Gateway to End Point templates and assigns the duration for a specific pathway, whereas the Cohort allows you to group students according to their programme start date.
  2. Assessments – The assessments stream requires you to compose any relevant Assessment Method, which are selected by students to categorise their evidence and assessment uploads throughout the apprenticeship, and any Assessment Templates or Plans, which allow you to define evidence submissions or tasks that the learner is required to complete with specific start and due dates. Please refer to the help guides found in the Tutor section of the One File Resources Hub: ‘Creating and Assigning Assessment Templates’ and ‘Creating Teaching, Learning and Assessment Plans (TLAPs)’.
  3. Categories – The Learning Journal and the Timesheets areas of One File require the learner to indicate a relevant category with the time or activity they are recording, for example Supervision or University Attendance, these must be customised in accordance with the kinds of time your apprenticeship will comprise of.

Stage 3 – User Creation

The third stage of the centre management process concerns account creation for all users who require One File Access, by default this is the Tutor/Assessor, the Employer/Mentor and the Learner/Student, though other user roles such as Observer or Internal Verifier can also be created. Whilst there is no restriction to when an account type can be created, the recommended order is based on Learner/Student accounts being created last, this will allow you to use the Bulk Import process.

You will also need to create Placement Locations, these are by default indicative and used for reporting purposes, but can also function as a resource for learner’s should they need to review a manager’s contact details or the company telephone number. Create all Tutor, Employer and Observer accounts first, which requires their first and last name, and email address, and then use the Bulk Import process to batch create students and assign the relevant parties the correct level of access.

Stage 4 – Portfolio Archiving and Download

The fourth and final stage of the centre management process concerns portfolio archiving and downloading. The process guide defines this stage into three scenarios which should be used in order to identify how to proceed with the management of a learner’s portfolio. A brief summary of these scenarios is as follows:

  1. Successful Completion of the Apprenticeship – The learner’s status should be updated to reflect they have completed their portfolio (if in use by the centre) and the Episode should be archived, this will mean the portfolio is read-only and you will not be charged a licence seat for this account. Learner access to the system can be suspended when they no longer require access, and they should be informed of the time-frame available for downloading any portfolio elements they wish to retain as evidence.
  2. Continuing Beyond Anticipated Completion Date – The learner’s status should be updated to reflect they have completed their portfolio (if in use by the centre) and the anticipated completion dates for learning aims and units should be adjusted (if suitable for the programme).
  3. Taking a Break in Learning – The learner’s status should be updated to reflect they have completed their portfolio (if in use by the centre) and the Episode should be archived, this will mean the portfolio is read-only and you will not be charged a licence seat for this account. Learner access to the system can be suspended when they no longer require access, the Episode will need to be unarchived when you expect them to begin engaging with the system again.

Further detailed guidance on the process for downloading and archiving student portfolios will be published on the Digital Education Resources Hub page for One File, located within the Centre Management and Administration tab.

Support with Centre Setup and Management

If you require support with the setup or management of your One File Centre, please contact the Digital Education Team by emailing For queries relating to non-technical support and about the operation of your apprenticeship programme, you should contact the University of Lincoln’s Office of Quality, Standards and Partnerships.

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