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Using Panopto On Campus Help & Support

Computer Audio Capture for University of Lincoln Apple Desktops

The following help sheet provides instructions for setting up Panopto on the university’s Apple desktops. It also includes the steps required to enable computer audio capture for recording a Panopto video on the university desktop.

Please note: this guidance is only for staff who use a University of Lincoln provided Mac computer and need to record computer audio with Panopto. Computer audio is audio from the applications you have open, you do not need to follow these steps to record your microphone or webcam.

Setting up Panopto for the first use

Step 1: Accessing Mac Self – Service Tab

In the step one, you are required to access the Mac self-service window in order to find the Panopto Application. Please follow the steps as mentioned below to get to the self-service tab

  1. Click on the Go button on your Mac desktop.
  2. Navigate to the application area from the left hand navigation menu and click on the self service icon as highlighted in the screenshot below.

Step 2: Installing Panopto on the desktop

Once in the self-service area follow the steps below to install the Panopto application on the Apple desktop computer.

  1. In self service window you will see the Panopto icon as shown in the screenshot below.
  1. In order to install Panopto, select the Run option beneath the icon of Panopto. Please note in order to proceed to the next step, you must wait for the installation to complete before continuing.
  2. Once installed, login to Blackboard using your University ID on the desktop and navigate to Panopto to start a new recording session.

Step 3: Launch Panopto on desktop

  1. After clicking the launch button, you will receive an alert message informing you that Panopto requires screen recording permission. The alert will give you two options to either ‘change security and privacy preferences’ or ‘cancel’ as shown in the screenshot below. To set up Panopto for the first time and enable screen recording, you must click on the ‘change security & privacy preferences’ option.
  1. When you click on ‘security & privacy preferences’ , this will open a security & privacy window > click on lock to make changes > Quit & reopen. Please ensure you quit and reopen the app.
The screenshot displays security & privacy window with prompts to quit & reopen the app or do it later.
  1. After the app reopens, you will need to sign back in to create a new recording.

Setting up Capture Computer Audio

To capture the computer audio, you will need to install a plugin. The installation process for the plugin on a university desktop can be completed by following the steps outlined below.

  1. In order to install the plugin, it is necessary to switch to the admin account first. . You can do this from menu bar > elevate 24 > App install as shown in the screenshot below.
The screenshot displays Elevate 24 to activate admin rights to install the plugin. There is a dropdown with 5 options . App install option in selected in the drop down.
  1. After selecting the ‘App install’ option, Elevate 24 will grant you admin rights, and you will receive a notification stating that ‘admin rights are granted’. This will enable you to proceed with the installation of the plugin.
  1. To install the plugin, please tick the box that is highlighted below and enter your username and password when prompted.
  1. After installing the plugin, you need to go back to security & privacy window > unlock the preference pain> click on allow as shown in the screenshot below.
  1. Next, restart your device and sign in to Panopto.
  2. On the the record session window , tick the capture computer audio as highlighted in the screenshot below.
  1. The warning window will pop up as shown in the screenshot below , click ‘ok ‘ and your capture computer audio function is now ready to be used.
  1. The Capture Computer Audio is now ready for use.
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