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Creating Turnitin Assignments in Blackboard Ultra

The following page will guide you through the process of creating a Turnitin Assignment in your Blackboard Ultra Course. The version of Turnitin Feedback Studio that was available in your Blackboard Original Course is the same as that present in Blackboard Ultra and therefore the setup process for the assignment remains the same.

To create a Turnitin Assignment in Blackboard Ultra please complete the following steps:

  1. Launch your Blackboard Ultra Course and locate the Assessments folder. You can expand the folder by clicking on the arrow to the right-hand side of the folder.
  2. Place your mouse cursor where you would like the Turnitin Assignment to be placed. Then select the ‘Add‘ icon to reveal a menu.
A Blackboard Ultra Course is shown. An assessments folder has been expanded to reveal two documents. A purple line with a plus icon is highlighted.
  1. From the menu presented, you should select ‘Digital Tools’. All tools that are not owned by Blackboard now appear under this single menu.
A menu is displayed with six options: create, copy content, upload, cloud storage, digital tools and content store.
  1. You will be presented with a list of Digital Tools. Locate Turnitin from the options, it should have the Turnitin icon/logo.
A box with the Turnitin logo is shown. The block is labelled as Turnitin Assignment (Feedback Studio).
  1. You will now be able to complete the Turnitin Assignment setup. You should populate the following:
  • Title – a clear and concise reference to the titles used in the module or assessment handbook.
  • Description – clarification on what should be submitted and in what format.
  • Max Grade – Digital Education recommend that in Blackboard all assessments are marked out of 100. Even if your assignment is weighted, you can setup a weighted total column afterwards in the Grade Centre.
  • Start Date – when students can begin submitting.
  • Due Date – when is a submission considered late.
  • Feedback Release Date – when are grades and feedback visible within Turnitin.

Important: unlike in Blackboard Original, when using the Blackboard Ultra Course View, the Feedback Release Date will automatically release the Grade Centre column to students, you can find out more details here: Turnitin and the Blackboard Ultra Grade Centre – Digital Education Support (

You may also need to adjust the ‘Optional Settings’. This will allow you, for example, to attach a rubric to your assignment, or to adjust whether students can submit after the due date: Optional LTI settings | LTI (

A Turnitin Assignment configuration is shown. There are fields for: title, description, max grade, start, due and feedback release date. And a tab for optional settings.
  1. Lastly, you can click ‘Submit’. This will place the Turnitin Assignment in your Assessments folder. There is no longer a requirement to hide the Grade Centre column.
The Assessments folder on a Blackboard Ultra course is shown with a Turnitin Assignment within that folder.
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