Resources Hub

One File Help & Support

A. Logging Into One File

A narrated video guide is available for this support resource and can be located at the bottom of the page.

Once the programme team have created your Employer account, you will receive a username and password, as well as instructions for logging in. These may come directly from One File, or from the programme team who are administering the apprenticeship. When you have received your login credentials by email, go to in your web browser.

How do I access One File for the first time?

From the login page, you will need to ensure that you are logging into the Eportfolio area, this should be selected at the top of the screen and in the login area, drop-down box – you will likely find it is set to these by default, as displayed in the example below:

A screenshot of the One File login screen. Fields to enter the username and password are shown. At the top of the screen the Eportfolio option is selected, and at the bottom of the screen a login area drop-down box is set to Eportfolio.

You then can enter your username and password into the corresponding boxes and click the login button when you are ready to proceed.

Upon logging in for the first time, you will need to accept the ‘End User Licence Agreement’. You must read and agree to the following terms and conditions before you can use your One File account, once you have reviewed the contents of the agreement, click the ‘I Agree’ button at the bottom of the screen to continue.

A screenshot of the One File end user licence agreement.

You will then be able to change the default password you were given to a password of your choice, as with most systems you will need to ensure that your password is more than 10 characters long and meets at least three of the following criteria:

  • A number
  • An upper case character
  • A lower case character
  • A special character

After changing your password, you will be redirected to the One File login page to confirm your password change, you can now login using the username you were given and your new password, upon entering your account there is one step remaining before you can begin accessing your learner’s portfolio.

A PDF viewer will display the Department for Education’s Off-The-Job Training guidance document, which can be downloaded to your personal computer or printed in order to keep a physical copy, this guidance must be ready thoroughly and you will be required to ‘sign’ the document through One File’s signature system.

A screenshot of a PDF viewer which displays a document with the title 'Apprenticeship off-the-job training' guidance provided by the Department for Education.

To sign the document, simply click the checkbox next to your name, then click the blue ‘I Agree’ button displayed at the bottom of the screen.

A screenshot of a table which contains two columns and two rows. The first column contains a signature checkbox, the second column contains the date. A blue I agree button is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Getting Started Video Guide – Logging Into One File

To access a narrated video guide on Logging Into One File, please click the thumbnail image below, which will redirect you to the relevant video hosted on the Panopto website. Please note that automatic captioning has been enabled on this video.

This image is a link to a Panopto video. The video will open in a new tab.

How to reset your password?

If you have forgotten your One File password you can reset this by navigating to the following link: Click here to reset your One File Password (Web link).

Please note: this support resource is specific to the Employer role within One File. The ‘Employer’ is an interactive role used in the assessment process, e.g. an employer or (expert) witness that may sign assessments and provide evidence for the Learner. If you are unsure of the user role you have been given, you can verify this by logging into One File, and reviewing the role listed underneath your full name, displayed in the profile card in the top-right of the homepage interface.

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