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Getting Started with Panopto Help & Support

Uploading media to a Panopto folder within a module

This helpsheet details how to upload video and audio content to the Panopto media server.

  1. Go to the Panopto folder on the module site you want to upload content to. Each module site has a Panopto button.
A screenshot showing a Panopto folder on the web from where you can upload videos to your module site.
  1. Click on the Create button and then the Upload media button.
A screenshot showing the Create button within the Panopto folder. Clicking this button will open a menu from which you can choose 'Upload Media'.
  1. Drag your files into the dashed box or click on within the dashed box to browse your computer for the files you wish to upload.
A screenshot showing the video upload section from where you can choose a video to upload or drag and drop one to automatically start the upload.
  1. Choose the file you want to upload and click Open
  2. Once the content has uploaded you will see a green tick and the text advising that you can close the window.
A screenshot showing that the video has successfully uploaded. The video will now process and then it will be available on your module site.
  1. The uploaded video will display within the folder and show the status of processing.
A screenshot showing the video. Until it is fully processed you will not be able to watch it or change any settings.
  1. When the video has processed the thumbnail will change to screen grab from within the video and you will be presented additional settings.
A screenshot showing your Panpoto folder where the video can now be viewed and accessed.
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